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Familiar with automobile relay switch function

Addtime:2022-06-10 11:02:41
The automobile relay switch is the key to the on and off of the control circuit. The main switches in the circuit often collect many wires, such as the ignition switch and the master lamp switch. Five problems related to the switch should be paid attention to when reading the diagram:
1. in many terminals of the switch, pay attention to which ones are connected to the Winton power supply and which ones are connected to electrical appliances. Whether there are wiring symbols beside the terminal, and whether these symbols are common.
2. the switch has several gears. In each gear, the automobile relay, switch, function and which terminal posts are energized. Which are powered off.
3. what path does the battery or generator current reach the switch, whether it passes through other switches and fuses, and whether the switch is manual or electronic.
4. each switch controls which consumer. What is the function of the controlled electrical appliance.
5. among the automobile electrical appliances charged. Which electrical appliances are in the automobile relay, switch and function normally, and which circuits are in short-term connection. Which should be connected first and which should be connected later. Which should work alone. Which should work at the same time. Which electrical appliances are allowed to be switched on at the same time.

Copyright:Suzhou HangJing Electronic Technology Co., LTD All Rights Reserived

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